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Nins? Tomtens? Mates? -- A comprehensive guide to Grapat toy names

Nins? Tomtens? Mates? -- A comprehensive guide to Grapat toy names

About the brand

GRAPAT - A family owned business that was inspired by the need for free play for their children. The wood is carefully chosen from sustainable forests. Each piece is hand-painted with water based, non-toxic dye and finished with wax and vegetable-based oil. 

Designed in Spain. Made in Spain.



One of the things that makes Grapat toys so unique is that everything has their own specific name, each with meaning. We understand that it can be very confusing when first discovering this wonderful brand. Here is a quick guide compiled by Woodberry to give an overview of the different names that Grapat toys use, followed by our recommendation for the sets to start with.  

 Grapat nins wizards tomtens sticks brots

Nins - the wooden figures

Nins, in Catalan, translates to "children". When played with by little kids, the nins are among their fellow friends! How adorable is that?

Nins comes in different sizes and variations. We gathered some photos below for reference.

*The height, in millimeters, is marked in parentheses following each item.


        Grapat nins size comparison. Adult nins, baby nins, dark wood light wood


        Grapat Adult nins baby nins size


        grapat nins 3 woods


        • Dark nins (65mm)- two variations: warm (red, orange, yellow) & cold ( green, blue, purple)


        Grapat dark wood nins wooden toys peg dolls


        • Acorn nins (65mm) - nins with an acorn-shaped hat from the 7 Moons set 

         Acorn nins



        Grapat rainbow tomten


          • Wizards (70mm) - also called Magos (which means "magicians" in Catalan). These are nins with a flat magician's hat


          Grapat wizards nins with hats rainbow peg dolls wooden toy




            Unlike nins, who have blank faces left for imagination, these little creatures all have two little hand-painted eyes. 
            • Brots (also called "buds") (70mm)


            Grapat brots buds gnome wooden toy


            • Sticks (also called "palos") (70mm)


            Grapat sticks wooden rainbow gnome palos


            • Insects - ladybugs (Ø40mm) + slimes (52mm) + ants (44mm)


            Grapat insects bugs wooden toy gnomes


            • Lola - includes big lola (65mm), medium lola (45mm) and small lola (20mm)


            Grapat Lola




              *The height (H) and diameter (Ø), in millimeters, is marked in parentheses following each item.

              • Mates (also known as "grounds" and "gourds") (H=45mm)


              Grapat mate wooden cups peg dolls holder\
              grapat mates nins tomten lolas



              Grapat cup with lids\
              Grapat cups with lids nins lola sticks



              Grapat bowls
              Grapat bowls with nins tomten wizards lola


              • Beakers - (H65mm; Ø=70mm) from Lola set


              Grapat beakers Lola set
              Grapat Lola beaker with sticks baby nins insects



              Grapat 7 moons
              Grapat vessels with nins tomtens lola


              • Nesting Bowls (H=38mm; Ø=72/58/44/30mm)


              Grapat nesting bowls



                Bowls Cups Mates Vessels Beakers
                Adult nins O X X X X
                nins O O O X X
                wizards O O O X X
                Tomtens O O O O X
                Acorn nins O O O O O
                Brots O O O O O
                Sticks O O O O O
                Lolas O O O O O
                Baby nins O O O O O
                Insects- Ladybug O X X X X
                Insects-Slimes& ants O O O O O

                 Below is a side-by-side comparison with side view and top view : 

                Grapat bowls cups mates vessels lola


                Grapat bowls cups mates vessels lola


                So many sets! Which one should I get?

                Of course it all comes down to preference and every Grapat toy set has it's own audience. Here are some of our most popular combination sets:

                • Nins Carla (120pcs) -- Best Value : [1 nins + 3 coins + 6 rings] x 12 colorways
                • Nins, rings and coins (60pcs) -- Best budget : [1 nins + 3 coins + 6 rings] x 6 colorways
                • Nins, mates and coins (18pcs) -- Beginners choice : [1 nins + 1 mate + 1 coin ] x 6 colorways
                • Lola (72pcs) -- Little ones' favorite : [  1 big lola+ 1 mid lola + 1 small lola + 1 tube +1 beaker + 1 cylinder ] x 12 colorways
                • Four seasons (27pcs) -- beautiful aesthetic with exclusive colors. Four variations - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Each includes [ 1 nins + 1 wizard + 1 mate + 3 coins + 3 rings] x 3 colorways 


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